I used to love the show “Fear Factor.” Joe Rogan was a perfect host choice for this stimulating and disgusting show. I was so turned off, yet I tuned in to watch the gross concoctions of blended bugs and maggots that contestants would drink for a CHANCE at winning $50,000. I used to sit in my comfy chair, red wine in hand and wonder if I could do it. Would I drink that stuff, would I sit in a bed of snakes, would I try to escape from a submerged car? The odds weren’t in my favor of ever winning, it seemed like the show would make sure of that, so I enjoyed the show from the A/C with my bug free dinner, usually mentally forfeiting after round 1. Of all the stunts they pulled on that show the one I could not bare to watch was the highlighting of the needle phobia or trypanophobia.
Life Lessons From the Dying
I’ve had the fortunate experience of being close by to witness several people passing. I’m sure it seems off to think of this as a positive experience. However, the reason I am grateful to have been in the presence of the dying is because it reminds me to not take for granted the time I have on this planet to live.
Complementary Treatments Before, During, and After Chemo (or in Everyday Life!)
Having cancer was a learning process for me. I learned a lot about my personal limitations but maybe most important, I learned there was plenty I thought I knew about my body and overall health, that I was completely clueless about. I always believed I was healthy and in fact the adjective “healthy” was one I would use often to describe myself. When asked in a group setting icebreaker game to name three words to describe yourself, I would say “understanding, caring, and healthy.” I would go to a health food store before a candy store any day. I truly loved frozen yogurt; I knew kidney beans were high in antioxidants; and washing off pesticides from your food was a must. I wasn’t necessarily wrong or being inauthentic when using this term prior to my diagnosis, I simply wasn’t aware of everything “health” encompassed.
Life As A Cancer Survivor
Being Diagnosed With Stage 2B Hodgkin’s Disease
The “IF” Way of Eating
I recently sat down to read a Fortune magazine article about a new smart drug start-up called Nootrobox. The article was about an interesting company-wide culture they have adopted - starving themselves! They fast up to 36 hours a week to increase productivity. The company co-founder Geoffery Woo says, “It’s hard at first” but they claim they are literally more focused at work and productive.
Getting Your Kids To Eat Healthy - Even Teens!
I recently flew to Maui with my 14 year old nephew, Trey, for some bonding time. I don’t have children of my own so I had a mix of emotions as the time grew closer to my one-on-one adventure with a teenager. I wanted to make sure I got his adrenaline pumping, taught him about a new culture, and most important to me, I hoped I could instill in him some healthier eating habits while he was under my care.
The Gift of Not Being a Parent
I am a 36 years old single female with no children. I know some of you might already be feeling sorry for me. Don’t worry…I get that all the time. I can already see your brows furrow. I can hear the sad sigh that follows with a hug and tell me that “everything happens for a reason.” Stop it- really it’s okay. I know that life does take a path of its own and it might not always look the way I envisioned it when I was five years old playing with my favorite cabbage patch dolls pretending I was the mommy. However, I love my life and I love the perspective that I have gained as a friend, aunt, teacher, and community leader without being a mother.